Monday, March 22, 2010

Six Tips for Choosing a Contractor for Home Renovation & Remodeling

Are you considering renovating or adding on to your home? These projects can add notable value and comfort to your home, and some can even provide insurance discounts. While some home remodeling projects can be undertaken by the skilled do-it-yourself-er, many opt to hire a professional to plan and complete the work. Choosing the contractor then becomes the most important decision for the success of your project. If you are considering hiring a contractor to renovate your home, you can avoid common pitfalls by following these guidelines.
1. Get Recommendations for Qualified Contractors. Check with your friends and neighbors about their experiences. Check the list of members of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry in your area. Your local building inspector or even the local lumber supply manger may also be willing to suggest reliable, quality builders.

2. Narrow the list. Check the standing of the builders on your list with your state consumer protection agency and local Better Business Bureau. With those in good standing, do simple phone interviews to ask fundamental questions: Do they accept a project of your scope? Can they provide financial references from suppliers or banks and a list of previous clients? How many other projects they would have at the same time? Finally, ask if they use subcontractors, and if so how long they have worked with them. Now you have a sense of their availability and how much attention they will give your project.

3. Meet the Contractors. Invite three or four to meet for an estimate. Note how well the contractor can answer your question. Do you feel reassured by the quality of communication? While good rapport is essential, don’t be fooled by personality.Make sure they maintain NY contractors insurance.

4. Check with Clients. Arrange to see prior work; ask the former clients about the experience. Visit a current job site. Is the area is safe and orderly? Are workers courteous and respectful of property?

5. Ask for a Detailed Bid. Trim your list to three finalists whose record shows responsible, quality work. Ask each to create a formal bid with a breakdown of cost of materials, labor, profit margins, and other expenses. (As a rule of thumb, materials account for 40 percent of total cost and the rest covers overhead and profit margin, which is usually 15 to 20 percent.) To do this, contractors will need a complete set of blueprints and a clear understanding of just what you expect of the project and how much you plan to spend.

6. Don’t Let Price Be Your Guide. Toss out any low-ball bids, as this suggests that the contractor may be cutting corners. With equal competence, choose the contractor with whom you communicate best even if the price may be somewhat higher.

Insurance provides peace of mind for homeowners both during and after the remodeling. You'll want to check on Newburgh insurance rates to make sure you're getting the best deal. To maintain your own investment in your remodeling, be sure to consult the knowledgeable professionals at Hudson Valley Agents for low-cost insurance for your home.

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