Friday, July 9, 2010

Some of the Best Insurance is Prevention

Many of us put more miles on the car during the summer. Remember that even in pleasant weather, you can run into emergencies on the road. Your Middletown NY insurance agents advise you to be prepared by having emergency tools and supplies in your car at all times.

What kind of emergencies might you face on the road? Let’s look at the two basic possibilities—a medical emergency and a mechanical ones, and how to be ready for both.

Medical Emergencies: First Aid

Someone in your own car may become ill or injured--with or without a vehicle accident--while you are far from medical assistance. You could be at a picnic in the park, en route to the beach, or on perhaps on a business trip. It could be something you can treat yourself with antiseptic and a bandage, or it might be a more serious injury requiring professional medical attention.

You can easily purchase pre-packaged first aid kits. The American Red Cross Store sells various kits including a Family First Aid kit that includes the necessary supplies and a first aid booklet as well in a bright red nylon bag that fits easily and neatly in any car. If you want to put your own kit together, you can check out what is in the aforementioned kit. (It makes a great present too.) Take a first aid class so that you will be familiar with the procedures.

Mechanical and Other Non-Personal Emergencies

To handle the various possible events, keep Consumer Reports recommends keeping the following tools and items on hand in your vehicle:

· Fire extinguisher (They recommend multipurpose dry-chemical fire extinguishers, e.g., a compact unit that's labeled 1A10BC or 2A10BC.)

· Warning light, hazard triangle, or flares.

· Tire gauge. Use it regularly to check inflation in all tires, including the spare.

· Jack and lug wrench. (Should be standard equipment in your vehicle.)

· Foam tire sealant or a portable compressor and plug kit

· Spare fuses

· Jumper cables or a portable battery booster

· Flashlight (and check those batteries frequently)

· Gloves, hand cleaner, and clean rags

While you can keep all the above in your trunk, you should carry with you whenever you travel your auto club card (or other roadside assistance number) and at least $20 in small bills and change.

In addition, and as your Newburgh NY insurance agents agree, have a camera (or a cell phone with camera) handy to record the condition of vehicles for insurance purposes following any accident. Also have a pen or pencil and pad of paper for jotting down information.

For peace of mind, remember that one of your best tools in any emergency is a cell phone. You can use it to call a rescue squad for medical help, to call the auto club or other roadside service, and the police, as necessary.

Another way to travel with peace of mind is to have the auto coverage that you need from your Kingston NY insurance professionals, where you can save on insurance all year long. So check out how to save, and then stuff that first aid kit in the trunk, and then enjoy the trip!

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